Anonymous Players





Production Details

215th Production - Night Must Fall a play by Emlyn Williams

Presented at Lowther Pavilion - 25 to 28 April 2001.

Directed by John Whittle.





Outline of Play

Danny has already murdered one woman, and there is little doubt that he will soon murder another - the aged owner of the house.  He gradually insinuates himself into her affections in a skilful manner, for Dan is a dashing young assassin, a completely self-centred psychopath with no feelings and a vast imagination, who is perpetually acting, for his own edification, the part of a murderer.







Mrs Bramson

Joy Banks


Olivia Grayne

Ann Crossley-Dawson


Hubert Laurie

David Lee


Nurse Libby

Carol White


Mrs Terence

Susie Beswick


Dora Parkoe

Kelda Rogerson


Inspector  Belsize

Peter Billcliffe



Tom Bell








  Stage Crew


Stage Manager

Chris Jones



Michael Ward



Godfrey Willacy


Set Design and Construction

Michael Ward and Ray Butterfield



Shirley Croasdale



Pat Womersley


Set Dressing

Heather Town



Eileen Stanning and Heather Town