Anonymous Players





Production Details

198th Production - Out of Sight, Out of Murder a mystery comedy by Fred Carmichael

Presented at Lowther Pavilion - 16 to 19 October 1996.

Directed by Joy Banks.





Outline of Play

Peter has come to a lonely old house to finish a play - a thriller featuring all the old stock characters such as butler and maid, but with some new twists.

Amazingly the characters manifest themselves and take over the situation, one of them trying to kill Peter.

Events follow a typical thriller to a hair-raising climax until Peter manages to type "The End" - but an even more surprising twist is in store.





  Synopsis of Scenes


The action takes place in the Living Room of an old house by the sea. The time is the present.




Act I


A late Summer afternoon






Act II

Scene 1

Later that day. Evening



Scene 2

A short time later











Peter Knight

Ian Edmundson



Di Prutton



Lesley Jarvis



John Lomax


Kay Kelsey

Alison Thies



June Crawshaw



Susan Swindells


Dick Stanton

Dave Tupling


Jordan Dillingham

David Lee








  Stage Crew


Stage Manager

John Bulmer



Michael Ward



Tim Edwards


Set Design and Construction

John Bulmer, Michael Ward, Ray Butterfield, Don Killip



Shirley Croasdale



Pat Womersley